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Members browse localized merchant-sponsored AR games to view live and recorded gameplay and watch their friends win prizes; they may be able to join live gameplay for a chance to win prizes if play spots are available. They can also start at any time new play-for-free (P4F) multiuser AR games.
Games Browsing: members browse live and recorded multiuser AR games and filter the game listings based on location, merchant name, game host, and the game creator; they can also search games by the primary members.
Live Gameplay Streaming: Games are streamed live, and anyone can watch (P2E) and (P4F) live AR games; some live games are open for anyone to join and play.
Recorded Gameplay: Gameplay gets recorded, and players can share the gameplay recording on their profile and social media.
Game Name and Creator: Members can see the name of the AR games and their creator.
Merchant GOAT Rating: Users view the merchant GOAT rating, which is a rate of how satisfied users are with the merchant.
Prizes Rating: It is a rating of how satisfied the members are with the game prizes and giveaways from the merchant; this rating will encourage the merchant to give out relevant and valuable prizes.
Game Host: Members can see the game 3D avatar host; the host can be for local and international celebrities.
Live Social Reactions: members can View live social reactions for the games.
Join Games: some live games allow members to join; a join icon appears on games that allow any member to join.
Game Primary Player: the username of the player who started the game.