Crypto Wallet & Exchange
Members can instantly exchange earned rewards tokens for other crypto assets, NFTs, prepaid vouchers & gift cards, transfer them to other members, or use them to buy from merchants.
Wallet: allows users to manage their crypto assets, NFT collections, and stake GGEZ tokens from an easy-to-use interface.
Crypto Assets: users can store all their coins and tokens in a single, secure wallet; the app supports all major blockchains and thousands of coins and tokens.
NFT Collections: Users can manage their crypto NFTs and game assets in one place; the wallet support NFTs on Ethereum (ETH), Smartchain (BNB), and Solana (SOL) blockchains.
Staking: allow anyone holding GGEZ token holders to earn rewards for holding the GGEZ in a dedicated staking account.
Browser for DApps: Users can use decentralized apps from within their wallets.
Wallets Linked with a Mobile Number: users must associate the wallet with a mobile number and must have access to that number to set up and use the account; the wallet is password-less, and the wallet is secured by encrypting the wallet data using the mobile number and the device fingerprint data.
Easy Crypto Transacting: Associating the wallet to a mobile number allows users to transact crypto easily using only their mobile numbers without understanding complicated blockchain terminology.
Chat Interface: The ability to send, receive and swap crypto using a simple chat interface.
Market: Users can buy prepaid vouchers & gift cards from the market section.
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